
Tyler Casey
Be prepared, but adaptable. This is a point of contention among documentary filmmakers. Some filmmakers prepare a list of questions to give them direction. Others prefer to wing it, feeling limited by the rigidity of pre-set questions. However either way, it is important to have a general concept for your interview. The interviewee will respond to your charisma and feed off of it. This will motivate them to continue with their story, knowing that they have a receptive audience.

Lucas Van Oort
As a young journalist you are making a documentary with your filming crew, you are required to interview a number of individuals who will help you tell your story. Your documentary will only be powerful if your subjects are interviewed properly therefore you will need to take all the steps to capture the winning interviews. Attached documents has some great practical guide to interviews.
For this quest you will have to watch the short video included under the Resources ‘video’ section titled: ‘Video Interviews’. Once you have watched the video, you are encouraged to undertake your own video interviews. The resources section has other useful information which you should read and see before you start your exercise. Remember to follow the following 8 tips in order to create your video interview:
Tip 1: Create an outline
Tip 2: Write a series of questions
Tip 3: Find a good location
Tip 4: Use 2 cameras (if possible)
Tip 5: Have the subject look right at you
Tip 6: Ask the subject to repeat the question before answer
Tip 7: Always look at the subject when they are talking
Tip 8: Always shoot, don’t turn off the camera
Participants will gain insight into the various cutting edge smart technologies they can use to do their own research, make films, interview and capture story telling.
- Participants will gain insight into the various cutting edge smart technologies they can use to do their own research, make films, interview and capture story telling.
- Young adults can learn to gather information from a variety of sources digital sources e.g. using audio and video devices and researching the Internet to capture memories and to store and present their findings in various forms
- Using the VR methodology
- Using VR Apps
- • Using a smart device to make an interview
- • Using a smart device to record simple documentary evidence